Van Trinh

Currently, I am involved in... (click on the position to learn more about it)


current position: President

(may 2020)

  • set & work towards meeting goals
  • delegate tasks/responsibilities
  • work with other officers from our Area to host different charity events, attend Area Meetings

former position: Vice President

(aug 2019 - jul 2020)

  • organized board & member meetings and bonding events
  • supported other officers w/ their tasks

former position: Digital Media Coordinator

(aug 2018 - jul 2019)

  • designed digital flyers to support club activities
  • created powerpoints for meetings
  • managed social medias

Key Club

current position: Fundraising Chair

(apr 2020)

  • organize 2-3 fundraisers a month
  • goal: raise $75 for charity/month
  • attend Division Council Meetings, Division Wide Service, visitations w/ EA and LTG monthly

former position: Events Coordinator

former position: Editor

Mask Makers Project

current position: Creative Publicity Team

(apr 2020)

  • design and manage website
  • create digital flyers

Student Government

current position: member

(aug 2018)

  • arrange large school wide social events and fundraisers
  • create digital and physical adevertisments, announce events during assemblies


current position: Sports Editor

(aug 2018)

  • arrange large school wide social events and fundraisers
  • create digital and physical adevertisments, announce events during assemblies