Van Trinh

You can view/interact with the projects I have coded from my website, or click on the project title to open up the project.

photo gallery

I completed this project for my KWK Web Development program. We were tasked with using 30 photos to create a photo gallery.

coding language(s) used: HTML, CSS
skill focused on: flexbox
IDE: glitch

rock, paper, scissors

This is my final project for my RootTech: Python class. The final project was to make a text-based game using the Python concepts we learned.

coding language used: Python

guess the number

I coded this after learning Python to practice differnet skills.

coding language used: Python

OurStories website

This website was the final project for my KWK Web Development program. Using the knowledge we learned, we built a website adressing an issue we notice. I, along with three other girls, decided to focus on the humanitarian issues. (I'd recommend viewing the website in a different tab)

coding language(s) used: HTML, CSS, JS
skills/areas I focused on: flexbox, DOM/jQuery

desk scene (photo)

This a scene I created for the final project for my RootTech: 3D Modeling class. In this scene I was supposed to use at least 3 objects, a camera, and lighting. I chose to create objects that I enjoy, and wanted to keep a pink theme throughout the image.

skills I focused on: [3D Modeling] scaling, rotating, extruding, adding materials
program: Blendr

projects I hope to attempt